Edinburgh Provincial Training Centre
The creation of the Centre was due to the recommendation by the Scottish Education Department in 1905 for Provincial Committees to be set up and four city training centres to be established for the training of teachers. Following this recommendation the Free Church of Scotland Training College and the Church of Scotland Training College merged to become the Edinburgh Provincial Training Centre in 1907.
The EPTC was established to provide a more centralised system of training teachers. Teaching practice was done in the Demonstration School that was attached to the centre. Subjects taken by female students could include cookery, dressmaking, laundry, housewifery, sewing, millinery, manual training, physical instruction, and art. This depended on where the student trained e.g. Edinburgh School of Cookery, Edinburgh College of Art. For male students the subjects included art and agricultural method, which also depended on where they were training e.g. Edinburgh College of Agriculture, Edinburgh College of Art.
The administrative structure of the centre consisted of the Principal and staff being responsible to the Edinburgh Committee for the Training of Teachers. A Board of Assessors dealt with the standard of marks, and cases where marking was challenged. The EPTC operated from Moray House throughout its existence.
In 1959, a new structure for Teacher Training was introduced nationally. The Provincial Committees were abolished and autonomous colleges created. The Edinburgh Provincial Training Centre became Moray House College (later Institute) of Education.
- Edinburgh Provincial Training Centre: Student Record Card, Edinburgh University Archives (EUA IN10)