Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science at the University of Edinburgh was instituted under the terms of Ordinance No 31 of the Universities (Scotland) Act 1889. Prior to this the teaching and conferring of degrees in scientific subjects was split between the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Medicine, and from 1864 had been overseen by the Science Degrees Committee. A Department of Science was still maintained in the Faculty of Arts for some time after the creation of the Faculty of Science in 1893. Some of the subjects taught at this time under the new faculty included Natural History, Anatomy, Geology, Agriculture and Rural Economy, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Physiology and Engineering.
From 1920 the Faculty of Science was housed in the newly built King's Buildings. In 1934 the Royal (Dick) Veterinary College was affiliated to the University of Edinburgh. In 1951 it became a constituent part of the University within the Faculty of Medicine. In 1964 the Professor of Veterinary Hygiene and Preventive Medicine was admitted to membership of the Faculty of Science prior to the creation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
As the Faculty grew departments were organised into divisions within the Faculty, such as the Division of Biological Sciences. Science libraries were also developed within the University.
In February 1991 the Faculty of Science was renamed the Faculty of Science and Engineering and, in 2002, the College of Science and Engineering.